
Shorewood Hills Police Department

**EMERGENCY - DIAL 9-1-1**

Non Emergency - (608)255-2345
SHPD Officers are dispatched through the Dane County Communications Center. If you need non-emergency police services, this is the number to call.

SHPD Office - (608)267-1110
For routine questions, to request a parking permit or vacation watch, and for other administrative needs, call this number, or contact us by email: police@shorewood-hills.org

Welcome to the online home of the Shorewood Hills Police Department!

Our Vision:
The members of the SHPD strive to be trusted by our community and are committed to enhancing the quality of life in Shorewood Hills by providing the highest level of customer service, and reducing the levels of fear, crime, and disorder.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to ensure that the Village of Shorewood Hills is a safe and attractive place to live, work, and enjoy. The SHPD delivers exceptional police services, solves problems, and works in partnership with our community. Our mission includes:

  • Protecting life and property.

  • Preventing crime, reducing fear of crime, and holding offenders accountable.

  • Ensuring a high quality of life.

  • Providing services to our community.

  • Working cooperatively with the public.

SHPD Core Values:
We provide selfless service that is accessible to everyone in our community. We work to create effective community partnerships and to be a dependable service provider, knowing that our role goes beyond enforcing the law.

Humanity: We are kind, compassionate, respectful, and dedicated to the preservation of human life. We respect human dignity and individual rights, treat people fairly, and value the differences that each individual contributes to our community. We take the time to engage, to listen, and to explain our actions.

Professionalism: We are competent, forward-looking leaders within the law enforcement community. We are a cohesive team that values integrity and holds ourselves and each other accountable. We maintain a well-equipped, highly trained staff that is proficient, yet continuously seeks to improve.

Dedication: We are courageous when confronting danger, and in our commitment to our community, our profession, and the SHPD mission, vision, and values. We investigate crimes and pursue those responsible with tenacity. We work proactively to prevent crimes, and seek opportunities to make a difference.